

trauma therapy in harrisburg

what is trauma?

Trauma is psychological stress and damage that continues to leave us in a state of suffering. Our brain/body’s response to the initial stressor or event continues to stay activated so we may be left in either a hypervigilant state (believing something will go terribly wrong at any minute) or numb to life’s experiences that we once enjoyed. Despite popular belief, many situations can be single instances and may not be deemed “big events” by some. However, the truth is that trauma comes in many different forms. Our trauma response may have come from:


  • Sudden loss
  • Near death experience 
  • Witnessing and experiencing domestic violence
  • Sexual assault or abuse
  • Physical abuse and neglect
  • Witnessing violent crimes
  • Car accidents and bad injuries


The trauma responses are likely the reason you are here. Our ongoing responses to trauma can-just like the traumatic stressor-come in many different forms and look very different for each individual. 

Here is a list of trauma responses and symptoms:



These symptoms often impact not only ourselves but our relationships. Unfortunately, trauma responses and symptoms tend to linger and last unless we find a new way forward. 




trauma therapy

how effective trauma therapy works

Trauma research has taught us there are ways therapy can help people who have been through trauma but there are also therapy approaches that can hinder the progress. Trauma research experts such as Scnyder, Ehlers, Elbert, and Gerson came up with a list of psychotherapies that are effective for people PTSD. Effective trauma therapy attempts to use these methods of what is scientifically proven to help you heal and regain the ability to move forward. 

Here is a list of what trauma therapy will specifically focus on to help the healing process and ensure best practice:

  • Strong relationship with the therapist
  • Provide education about trauma
  • Gain skills to regulate emotions
  • Anxiety and stress management
  • Creating a different, more accurate story of our lives and our past
  • Adjust any perceptions that are unhelpful to us
  • Gradual exposure


“Effective trauma therapy uses scientifically proven methods to help heal and regain the ability to move forward.”





How can we help?

how trauma counseling at systems therapy can help

Systems Therapy has providers who are specifically certified in trauma therapy. We are here for people searching for trauma therapy in the Harrisburg area. The research points out that the relationship between the therapist and client is the most important aspect in helping to heal. Our providers prioritize making the therapy process feel safe as we work with you to overcome your struggles.

In working with one of our therapists, you will find that we:


  • Help to provide knowledge of how trauma tends to work
  • Help to gain deeper understanding and awareness of the negative patterns of trauma 
  • Increase insight and self-awareness
  • Increase attunement of self and others
  • Increase skills in emotional and physical regulation
  • Explore ways of finding or regaining fulfillment in your life


To reach out and connect with one of our trauma therapists, you simply need to call or email and we will set you up with one of our certified trauma clinicians. Our initial intake/screening is free.

Schedule Initial Appointment Online

“Our providers prioritize making the therapy process feel safe.”